Focus: Learn about treatment options for a gummy smile, including crown lengthening, lip repositioning, and gingivectomy.

A gummy smile, or excessive gingival display, is when the tooth to gum ratio is unbalanced, resulting in an excessive amount of gum tissue being visible when smiling. While there are no health risks associated with a gummy smile, it can affect one’s self-esteem and confidence.

What is Considered a Gummy Smile?

A gummy smile is when more than 3–4 millimeters of gum tissue is visible above the upper teeth.

This can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Genetics: Some people are genetically predisposed to having a gummy smile.
  • Hyperactive lip muscles: When the muscles in the upper lip are overactive, they pull the lip up too high, revealing more gum tissue.
  • Certain medications: Some medications can cause gum tissue to grow or enlarge.

Generally speaking, the perception of a gummy smile lies in the eye of the beholder. How you view your gumline can be affected by:

  • Your lip line
  • The position of your upper jaw and teeth
  • The height and width of your teeth

If you are unhappy with or self-conscious about your smile, there are treatment options available to improve the aesthetics of your smile.

Key Takeaway

A gummy smile, or excessive gingival display, is when the tooth to gum ratio is unbalanced, resulting in an excessive amount of gum tissue being visible when smiling.

Treatment Options for a Gummy Smile

There are several treatments available to address a gummy smile. The best treatment for you will depend on the underlying cause and the severity of your gum to crown ratio.

If you have misaligned teeth, we may recommend orthodontic treatment before addressing your gummy smile. This can help to create a more balanced ratio of teeth and gums. Once your teeth are in the desired position, we can then move on to treating the excess gum tissue.

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess gum tissue and sometimes bone to expose more of the tooth crown.

This procedure elongates the teeth, making them appear longer and reducing the amount of gum tissue visible when smiling.

Ideal Candidates

Crown lengthening is ideal for patients with short teeth or excessive gum tissue surrounding their teeth. It can also be used to treat tooth decay below the gum line.


  • Administer local anesthesia to numb the treatment area. 
  • Make small incisions in the gums. 
  • Reshape the gums to reveal more underlying tooth structure. 
  • Remove bone if necessary to achieve desired results. 
  • Close incisions with sutures.

Recovery Time

  • It can take up to six months for the tissue to mature and to see the final results. However, recovery from the procedure itself takes approximately 1–2 weeks. During this time, follow-up appointments will be scheduled to ensure proper healing.


  • Permanent solution: Once the gum tissue is removed, it will not grow back.
  • Improved aesthetics: This procedure can help to create a more balanced gum to tooth ratio and improve the overall appearance of your smile.
  • Better oral health:  Removing excess gum tissue makes it easier to keep the teeth clean, reducing the risk of plaque buildup and gum disease.
Crown Lengthening

Lip Repositioning

The elevator muscles, specifically the levator labii superioris, zygomaticus minor, and levator anguli oris, are responsible for lifting the upper lip.

These muscles are located in the upper mid-face region, originating near the lower eye orbit and cheekbones and inserting into the upper lip area. When these muscles contract, they elevate the upper lip, which can, in some cases, lead to an excessive display of gum tissue.

A hyperactive response from these muscles can lead to the upper lip being pulled higher than usual when you smile, revealing more gum tissue.

Lip repositioning surgery involves removing a section of connective tissue from the inside of the upper lip, preventing it from being pulled up too high.

Ideal Candidates

Lip repositioning is ideal for patients with a hyperactive upper lip. It may be recommended along with crown lengthening for optimal results.


  • Administer local anesthesia to numb the treatment area. 
  • Remove a small section of tissue from the underside of the upper lip. This will prevent the elevator muscles from pulling the lip up too high. 
  • Close the incision with sutures.

Recovery Time

It typically takes about a week to recover from this procedure. You may be prescribed antibiotics and pain medication.


  • Natural-looking results: Lip repositioning surgery aims to create a natural, aesthetically pleasing smile without overcorrection.
  • No scarring: The incision for this procedure is made on the inner part of the upper lip, resulting in no visible scarring.


Gingivoplasty, also known as gum contouring or gum reshaping, is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing and reshaping excess gum tissue to create a more balanced gumline.

This can improve the aesthetics of your smile by reducing the amount of gum tissue visible when smiling.

Ideal Candidates

Gingivoplasty is ideal for patients that have excessive or uneven gum tissue.


  1. Administer local anesthesia to numb the treatment area. 
  2. Use laser technology to remove excess gum tissue. 
  3. Shape the remaining gumline.

Recovery Time

It typically takes about two weeks to recover from this procedure. You may be prescribed antibiotics and pain medication.


  • Minimally invasive: This procedure uses laser technology, which results in less bleeding, discomfort, and healing time compared to traditional surgery.
  • Immediate results: The changes made during the procedure are visible right away, providing immediate improvement to your smile.
AspectCrown LengtheningLip RepositioningGingivoplasty
Ideal CandidatesPatients with short teeth or excessive gum tissue; useful for treating tooth decay below the gum linePatients with a hyperactive upper lip; can be combined with crown lengthening for optimal resultsPatients with excessive or uneven gum tissue
ProcedureLocal anesthesia, small incisions, reshaping gums, possible bone removal, suturesLocal anesthesia, removing a small section of inner lip tissue, suturesLocal anesthesia, laser technology used to remove excess tissue and shape gumline
Recovery TimeOne to two weeks to recover from surgery, 6 months for tissue to matureAbout one week, may include antibiotics and pain medicationAbout two weeks, may include antibiotics and pain medication
BenefitsPermanent solution, improved aesthetics, better oral healthNatural-looking results, no scarringMinimally invasive, immediate results

This table summarizes the key aspects of each procedure, including ideal candidates, procedure details, recovery time, and benefits.

Why Periodontists Are The Most Qualified To Perform These Procedures

Periodontists receive advanced training in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, as well as the placement of dental implants and the cosmetic modification of the gums.

Periodontists have an in-depth understanding of the anatomy of the gums, the underlying bone structure, and the appropriate surgical techniques needed for reshaping and restructuring gum tissue and bone.

Schedule a Consultation

Our periodontists, Dr. Kerri Font, DDS, and Dr. Mike Norouzinia, DDS, have extensive experience in performing crown lengthening, lip repositioning, and gingivoplasty procedures.

If you are interested in learning more about how these procedures can improve your smile, contact our periodontal clinic in Highlands Ranch, CO, to schedule a consultation.

Call (303) 683-1144 or complete the online booking form.

Learn More

Check out our blog to learn more about these treatments. 

FAQs About Gummy Smile Treatments

Can you fix a gummy smile without surgery?

Yes, there are non-surgical options such as botox or dermal fillers, however,  the results are temporary and may require frequent touch-ups.

Why is my smile more gummy as I get older?

As we age, our facial muscles can weaken, resulting in a loss of lip support and an increase in gum display. Additionally, gum recession can occur with age, making the teeth appear longer and the gums more prominent.

Is a gummy smile unhealthy?

In most cases, a gummy smile is not unhealthy. However, excessive gum tissue can make it difficult to properly clean and maintain oral hygiene, leading to potential dental issues.

Can I reshape my gums at home?

No, gum reshaping should only be done by a qualified dental professional using proper techniques and equipment. Attempting to reshape your gums at home can lead to serious damage and infection. Always consult with a dental professional for any cosmetic or medical procedures.

Gummy Smile